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Bill Gates Had Been “At Fault”

This latest report by TMZ proves what I have been suspecting: It is Bill Gates who had been “at fault,” so much so that the entire family has been furious at him. “Our sources say Melinda Gates rented Calivigny Island in Grenada … yes, she rented the entire island for $132,000 a night. The plan was for Melinda and the kids, as well as their significant others, to come to the island — everyone except Bill.

Apparently it is not a friendly split, which is not entirely unusual as friendly divorce is hard to get. What is unusual is that “virtually everyone in the family took Melinda’s side.” One really must have gone pretty far to lost everyone’s sympathy.

Melinda has shown a big heart when she allowed — from the very beginning of their marriage, as we now learned — Bill to meet his lover and ex-girlfriend on an annual basis, something not every lady or wife is willing to do, especially for someone who was a serial monogamist before the marriage (see below).

What some men in this country sometimes failed to recognize is that women can be great decision makers. Melinda might have just been a humble project manager, a bottom level leadership position at the Microsoft when Bill was the big boss, but in today’s world it is the forward looking performances that matter most, not backward looking titles and achievements.

However, a person’s early life engagements can have a lasting impact. For Melinda, her parents “were intent on sending all four of their children to college, so Melinda’s father started a side business for rental properties. ‘We would help him run the business and keep the books,’ she said. ‘We saw money coming in and money going out.‘” My sense is that her father’s side business ended up having a big impact on Melinda’s life.

From this Yahoo report we know that Melinda was responsible for charity toward uniquely women’s challenges like “expanding the availability of contraception and bringing awareness to the concept of time poverty – the notion that hours of daily unpaid work like household chores end up ‘robbing women of their potential.'”

I also checked on the meaning and signs of being a serial monogamist from this article, after learning that Melinda was a serial monogamist as told by one of her Sorority sisters — while kept herself fully occupied with getting double bachelor degrees plus an MBA in just 5 years. I know I could not do that!