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My Wish List Amid the Pandemic

  1. I wish there were more international, or if that is too much to ask, domestic cooperation than finger-pointing.
  2. I wish there were more empathy and sympathy than brewing up conspiracy theories based on little evidence or knowledge.
  3. I wish the country would wake up from the “American Exceptionalism” mindset and face the reality that US is just as vulnerable as others given its size, openness to outsides, to crises like this.
  4. I wish there were more people looking forward than backward and switch from sorting out who is to blame, or who was better handling crisis.
  5. I wish we all came to reason that we are all human beings, our ideas all have limits and few if any had the crystal ball.
  6. I wish the “passive antibody” or passive immunity research a giant success, especially the one through molecular copying of antibodies. This could be the real game changer, in combination with a better antibody test that is fast and cheaply.
  7. I also wish the new self-administered saliva test would be adopted by all entities soon.
  8. I wish more people would realize that while it makes a good political sound bite to say that “We let science or scientists guide our decisions”, frequently science or scientists themselves are struggling to find consensus or the best knowledge quickly. This means judgment calls are always needed, especially during pandemic. The real issue is who make the call and how.
  9. I wish 3D printing would be made more popular after this crisis for manufacturing face masks, gloves and other personal protective equipment for the medical staff and general public.
  10. I wish manufacturing robots would also be made more popular at least as makeshift, or later more permanent, workers on duty in dangerous scenarios.
  11. I wish after the crisis the public sector would be strengthened to better serve everyone.
  12. I wish more Americans would pick up the habit of savings for the raining days.
  13. I wish Dr. Fauci’s idea of “rolling reopening” of the country prevails, not on the same date when the entire country reopens itself.